Gold has reached a historical high, can it still be bought?


Recently, the international gold price has continued to soar, and gold-themed products have attracted strong attention from friends. At present, people are generally concerned about: "How will the future gold market trend develop?"

Gold has been regarded as a special commodity with value preservation and risk-avoidance functions since ancient times. With the changes in the international financial situation, the gold market is also constantly fluctuating. Therefore, when we judge the future trend of gold, we must pay attention to the development and changes of the global economic situation.

In recent years, the world economic growth has slowed down, trade frictions have intensified, geopolitical risks have increased, and high inflation and high debt have all had a positive impact on the gold market. If the global economy continues to be sluggish in the future, or even an economic crisis occurs, the demand for gold as a risk-avoidance asset will further increase, and the gold price is expected to continue to rise.


In addition, the US dollar exchange rate is also an important factor affecting the gold price. Generally, the US dollar exchange rate is negatively correlated with the gold price. When the US dollar strengthens, the gold price tends to fall; on the contrary, when the US dollar weakens, the gold price rises.

In recent years, due to the high debt of the United States, the credit of US debt and other assets priced in US dollars has declined, and funds have flowed to gold for risk avoidance, and many central banks have been buying gold continuously since this year. This has provided support for the gold price.

Moreover, inflation expectations are also a key factor affecting the gold price. This year, international bulk commodities have continuously set new highs, indicating that the current period is still in a state of inflation. The latest CPI data released by the United States shows that the current inflation in the United States is still relatively serious. Under the background of inflation, investors usually look for assets that can resist inflation for investment.

So, it is still a good time to layout gold. Affected by many favorable factors, gold may have just entered the starting point of its bull market cycle. Some economists even predict that gold may rise to $3,000 per ounce in the future.

Gold has the characteristics of "attack and defense" in the current international macro environment. No matter whether the United States raises or lowers interest rates in the future, gold is likely to continue to rise in the future. This is also one of the reasons why China's central bank has been buying gold continuously in recent years. Data released by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange shows that as of the end of March 2024, China's gold reserves were 72.74 million ounces, an increase of 160,000 ounces month-on-month, which has been the 17th consecutive month that China has increased its gold reserves.

The development of the future gold market is affected by various factors. Against the background of increasing uncertainty in the global economic situation, fluctuations in the US dollar exchange rate, rising inflation expectations, and escalating geopolitical conflicts, and the market's risk-avoidance sentiment is heating up, the gold price is likely to continue to rise.In summary, the current global economic situation is characterized by high debt, high inflation, and high interest rates. Against this backdrop, the prices of global commodities have been rising steadily, with the price of gold soaring consecutively. Under such market trends, going with the flow is the most correct investment choice for our investors.
